NAPC Fundraiser: Speed Night

Our coaches are excited to test their speed and skill at the North American Parkour Competition 7 (NAPC). Julius Porter and Barrett Schneider will be headed up to Vancouver, Canada for the final championship this August 16th - 18th. Proceeds will be donated to Julius and Barrett's travelling expenses as they travel and accommodate in Vancouver. Join us for a special fundraiser to help them get there!
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Julius and Bear are hosting a speed competition!
Get from point A to point B as quickly and efficiently as possible in this parkour-style competition! Athletes must pass through checkpoints as quickly as possible in three different courses, set up in a style similar to the NAPC format. Competitors will be given five minutes of practice on each course, and then they will be given one attempt at a timed run. The fastest times overall and for each course will be announced at the end. Show us your speed on August 10th!

Date: August 10, 2019
Time: 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Location: Enso Movement Raleigh
3200 Wellington Court
Suite 115
Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 US
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